Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Historical Society and Gilman

The story, The Yellow Wallpaper, was written during a time of great change (Edsitement). Gilman was living in the 19th century  and she was a woman. Women were thought of to have no rights and just fend over the house. It is important to understand when the story takes place and when it takes place because that has a big impact on the story itself. You may look at it differently than the person sitting next to you or a person round the world. During the 1800's, American Middle Class woman would  not have a lot to do because they would stay at home fending for it while the husband would provide for the family. during this time period, the feminism movement was just beginning with people like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Statson, and Harriet Beecher Stowe, Gilman's great aunt (Behind the Writing).Gilman wrote this piece of literature because then she would stand out and fight back with the "unequal status of women within the institution of  marriage"(Behind the Writing). Aside from the feminism movement, slavery was taking a huge toll on the country itself. People were debating whether to keep slavery or to get rid of it. In 1804, the United States decided to fund the Lewis and Clark expedition ( Later in 1814, British troops burn down Washington D.C.( As you can see, there was a lot more than you think that went on during this time or that you know. Many movements have taken place during that time because he country was just starting out and, no offence, we sort of didn't know what we were doing at the time (Mr.Callinan).

Charlotte Perkins Gilman." Edsitement. Edsitment, n.d. Web.

 "What Happened in the 1800's." Http:// The People History, n.d. Web.

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